
China adds three golds on Day 6 at Kobe Para Athletics Championships | Partners | Belarus News | Belarusian news | Belarus today | news in Belarus | Minsk news | BELTA

KOBE, 23 May (BelTA — Xinhua) — Chinese athletes took home three gold
medals at the Para Athletics Championships here on Wednesday.

wheelchair racers enjoyed double one-two victories, as the men’s 1,500m
T54 final saw Jin Hua clinch gold with a time of two minutes 54.85
seconds, and Dai Yunqiang won the silver medal.

In another double
podium finish, Zhou Hongzhuan and Gao Fang in the women’s 100m T53
final claimed the gold and silver medals by clocking 16.88 seconds and
16.91 seconds respectively, both achieving their season bests.

gold medalist Zhong Huanghao, 25, defended his title in the men’s long
jump T38 final with a leap of 6.66 meters on his second attempt, while
his teammate Zhou Peng claimed the bronze.

Among Chinese
medalists on Wednesday was also Zhou Zhaoqian who won silver in women’s
100m T54 with her season-best time of 16.34s.

By Wednesday, which
is the sixth competition day of the nine-day tournament, China
continued to top the medal tally with 18 golds, 16 silvers, and 14

The World Championships, held in East Asia for the first
time, serve as a qualifier for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. The
championships have attracted over 1,000 athletes from 100 countries and
regions competing in 168 events.

A total of 73 Chinese
para-athletes are competing in the championships, which run until May
25. Originally scheduled for 2021, the event was postponed twice due to
the COVID-19 pandemic.


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