
Putin lays wreath at Victory Monument in Minsk

MINSK, 24 May (BelTA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the Victory Monument in Minsk on 24 May, BelTA has learned.

The Russian leader is in Belarus on a two-day official visit. He arrived in the Belarusian capital the night before. The Belarusian head of state met him at the airport. During a media scrum, the presidents laid out the agenda of the forthcoming talks that will focus primarily on security matters, which includes non-strategic nuclear weapons exercises. Official negotiations involving delegations will be centered around trade and economy.

Shortly before his visit to Belarus, Vladimir Putin hosted a government meeting where various aspects of cooperation with Belarus were discussed. “We walked through almost all aspects of cooperation, including industrial cooperation, energy, agriculture, security. Around half of the government was there,” he said upon his arrival in Minsk. 


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