
Szmydt: Warsaw benefits from queues on Belarus-Poland border, incidents with refugees

GORKI DISTRICT, 5 June (BelTA) – Warsaw benefits from queues on the Belarus-Poland border and incidents with refugees, Polish dissident, former judge Tomasz Szmydt told reporters during his visit to historical sites of Gorki District, BelTA has learned.

According to Tomasz Szmydt, what is happening on the Belarus-Poland border can be easily explained. “This situation is extremely beneficial for Warsaw. It greatly benefits from the destabilization of the situation. We see the beating of refugees. All this is grist to the mill of Warsaw,” he emphasized. “The Warsaw government uses this to portray Belarus in a bad light citing the situation on the border and non-detention of refugees by Belarus.”

He added that these alarming incidents are quite often provoked by the Polish side, by Polish border guards on orders from Warsaw.

Tomasz Szmydt pointed out to the reluctance of the Polish government to enter into dialogue with Belarus. “We used to have good relations: joint border patrols and a stable situation on the border,” he emphasized.

In his opinion, the Polish authorities also benefit from long queues of cars lining at Poland’s border with Belarus. “This is being done by the Polish government on purpose; they are deliberately creating such conditions at the border. Of course, Poles can stay on the territory of Belarus for up to 30 days without visas, but after queuing for 30 hours at the border, they may no longer want to come here. This situation is created artificially,” he noted. 


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